Güncelleme Tarihi: 15 May 2024

Visitors: 84

A conference on "Entrepreneurship and Personal Development" was organised by the Business and Economics Society, which was advised by Assistant Professor Ayça ÖZEKİN, a faculty member of the Department of Econometrics.

Business and Economics Society, whose advisor is Ayça ÖZEKİN, an assistant professor in the Department of Econometrics, On Wednesday, May 8, a conference on "Entrepreneurship and Personal Development" was held at Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Conference Hall with the participation of Özlem ÇAKIR and Fırat ÇAKIR from Fırat ÇAKIR Academy. At the end of the conference, students were presented with personal development books signed by Fırat ÇAKIR. We would like to thank the Business and Economics Society executives, members and all participants.
