Güncelleme Tarihi: 20 December 2022
Visitors: 237
On 09 December 2022, the Erasmus+ and ESC opportunities seminar, which we organized as the International Relations and Career Community, was held at our university.
On 09 December 2022, the Erasmus+ and ESC opportunities seminar, which we organized as the International Relations and Career Community, was held at our university. We organized the event with the participation of the President of the Culture Education and Project Association, Arzu KIRAYOĞLU, the Culture Education and Project Association Trainer, Yaren YILDIRIM, and the Poland Beniaminek-03 ESC Volunteering Coordinator, Furkan KARAKUŞ. In our seminar, individual and group volunteering projects and opportunities, living and working experiences in Europe, Erasmus+, youth exchange programs, Salto trainings, training courses, participants were informed about their own development and processes of these projects through their experiences within the scope of the project.
Thank you to our participants and our community organizing the event.