Güncelleme Tarihi: 12 September 2022
Visitors: 267
Dear Students,
Erasmus+ Internship and Study Mobility applications for the 2022-2023 Spring Term have started.
Application conditions:
- Minimum 2.20 Weighted Grade Point Average (CGPA)
- To have a minimum score of 55 from the Foreign Language Placement Exams of our university or YÖKDİL, YDS.
NOTE: Those who have not taken the foreign language exam held by our University in the last two years and/or those who do not have valid scores from exam types such as YÖKDİL, YDS cannot apply.
Documents to be submitted in the application
Information Form
Photocopy of identify card
You can reach all the documents that will be needed during the process from the link below.
Application Process:
Document Delivery: 19/09/2022-30/09/2022
Announcement of Results: 05/10/2022
NOTE: You can scan the documents and send them to erasmus@bandirma.edu.tr.
NOTE: The agreements we have made are valid for all departments.
NOTE: All students who meet the language score and grade point average requirements will benefit from the Erasmus+ program.
NOTE: Students who qualify for study mobility will be Erasmus students as of February.
NOTE: For internship mobility, our students must find an internship place until 15/01/2023.
Erasmus+ Selection Criteria
The evaluation criteria and weighted scores to be used in evaluating the mobility applications from the 2022 contract period are as follows:
Weighted Score
Academic achievement level
50/100 (out of a total of 100 points)
language level
50/100 (out of a total of 100 points)
To the children of martyrs and veterans
+15 points
Students with disabilities (provided the disability is documented)
+10 points
Earlier benefit (with or without grant)
-10 points
Participating in mobility in the country of citizenship
-10 points
The application of "-10 points" in case of previous benefit is not applied for the activities carried out at the previous education level or other than the higher education student/internship mobility. It is applied if a student who has achieved mobility applies again within the same education level.
For students who were selected in a previous election period within the same education level, but who did not perform their activity without a force majeure reason, a "-10 point" reduction is applied for each activity for which the activity was not carried out despite being entitled. If the higher education institution foresees renunciations and gives students a period of time to inform them that they have given up, and if the students report that they have given up within this period, no point reduction is applied.
In the event that the higher education institution makes the education and internship mobility choices within the same application and evaluation process, if a student who applies for both education and internship activities at the same time is selected for both activities, “-10
7 According to Article 21 of the Anti-Terrorism Law dated 12/4/1991 and numbered 3713, “public officials who are injured, disabled, killed or killed while performing their duties at home or abroad or as a result of performing these duties even if their titles have been removed. and the spouses and children of those who lost their lives due to the coup attempt and the terrorist act on July 15, 2016 and the actions that followed this action in accordance with Article 7 of the Decree Law No. 667 of 23 July 2016, or the disabled civilians and their Spouses and children are prioritized if they apply for Erasmus+ student mobility.
It is left to the student's choice in which activity the "points" reduction will be applied. In this case, a petition is received from the student regarding which activity he prefers to reduce. Likewise, if students studying in a double major program apply for activities in both branches, a preference petition is received from these students regarding the branch in which the score reduction will be made.
Under no circumstances can a higher education institution create reasons for increasing or decreasing points that are not included in this Handbook, nor can it take decisions restricting mobility.
The ranking of the students is made within the relevant department/faculty according to the quotas allocated to the departments or faculties.
The student's grade point average must meet the minimum requirements at the application stage. The most recent transcript taken by the student is used to determine the grade point average. Although it is essential to use the up-to-date transcript given by the higher education institution (where the selections are made), the graduation grade obtained in the previous higher education level is used for students who apply for the first semester at the graduate and doctorate level and whose transcript has not yet been created in the higher education institution of choice. Similarly, for students who have transferred from another higher education institution by horizontal or vertical transfer and have not yet achieved a grade point average in the higher education institution of choice, the grade point averages in the last transcript they received from the higher education institution they came from are taken into account. Medical Specialization Exam (TUS) winning grades are taken into account for students who graduate from the Faculty of Medicine and continue their education in medicine (doing a doctorate in medicine), as well as the Dentistry Specialization Education Entrance Exam (DUS) winning grades for students who continue their education after graduating from the Faculty of Dentistry. is taken.
Higher education institutions should establish an equally applicable foreign language level determination criterion for all students who apply. At the application stage, the same (or different but accepted equivalence) document/exam results should be requested from all students, and these documents/results should be evaluated.
The documents to be used in determining the foreign language level and the method to be applied are notified to the students during their application. If the higher education institution organizes an exam to determine the foreign language level, this exam should be done by professional institutions (the department of the institution related to foreign language teaching or private institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education). Erasmus institutional coordinator and Erasmus office staff cannot take part in any stage of the foreign language exam. In the evaluation of the exam results, the effect of the exam result determining the speaking level, if any, on the total foreign language exam result cannot be more than 25%. In the event that the higher education institution organizes an exam for foreign language level determination, the results of the exam should be sent to the Erasmus office by the foreign language teaching unit that conducts the exam, within the framework of official correspondence, with each page of the list signed/initialed and approved.
Higher education institutions cannot charge students for participation in foreign language placement tests. Institutional support grant is given by the Center to support the expenses related to the student selection process. In order to determine the number of students who will participate in the exam and to prevent the waste of resources allocated to the expenses of the exam organization, the students who apply for the exam but do not attend without a force majeure reason can deduct "-5 points" from their weighted selection scores if they reapply for any mobility within the scope of higher education. In case of not taking the foreign language exam without an excuse, the student can be recourse to the expenses incurred for the student. In case of not participating in the foreign language exam without an excuse, it is obligatory that this situation be clearly stated in the exam announcement in order to deduct the "-5 points" or to collect the expenses incurred from the student. If it is not stated in the advertisement, no point discount or recourse collection can be applied.
Foreign Language Treshold:
The threshold is determined as 55 in the Foreign Language Exam. Candidates who score below 55 points will be considered unsuccessful even if they meet the other requirements. Candidates who score above 55 points are entitled to enter the main and reserve lists. Final results are obtained by calculating the academic average and language test score.