Güncelleme Tarihi: 11 April 2022

Visitors: 479

Social Sciences Encyclopedia that contributed by our department faculty member Prof.Dr. Suna Korkmaz has been published!

The encyclopedia of social sciences , a reliable reference book for readers interested in contemporary academic thought in the field of social science, has been published. This work prepared by TÜBİTAK;it  brings the cornerstones of the concept world of social sciences are presented to the attention of the readers, university youth and researchers, and it is an important source book for social and human sciences. Consumption item in the social sciences encyclopedia was written by one of our department faculty members, Prof.Dr. Suna Korkmaz. We congratulate Prof.Dr. Suna Korkmaz for her contributions in this work, which we believe has made an important contribution to the literature, and wish her continued success.
