Güncelleme Tarihi: 14 April 2022

Visitors: 496

Success of Department of Economics Members in Academic Achievement Awards



An "Academic Achievement Award Ceremony" was held at our university.

Awards were presented in 7 different categories:
"World's Most Influential Scientists Award", 
"World Scientists Award (AD Scientific Index)", 
"Academic Achievement Award (BANÜ-WOS)",
"Academic Incentive Award",  
“Academic Unit Performance Award”, 
“Project Award”
“Patent Award”

In the category of "World Scientists Award (AD Scientific Index)" at the Academic Achievement Award Ceremony, one of the faculty members of our department, Prof. Dr. Suna KORKMAZ was among the top 20 academicians at our university in this category and deserved an award.

In addition, one of the faculty members of our department, Prof. Dr. Özcan KARAHAN ,Assoc.Dr.Fatih AYHAN and Assoc.Dr.Musa BAYIR was also among the top 20 academicians in our university in the category of "Academic Encouragement Award" and was entitled to receive an award.

We congratulate our professors and wish them more success in their academic life.
