Güncelleme Tarihi: 25 June 2024

Visitors: 27

Director of Removal Center Yilmaz SUR participated in our lesson

Yılmaz SUR, the Director of the Removal Center in Bandırma, participated as a guest in the course on Turkey's Migration Policies and Management given to undergraduate students in the Spring semester by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bekir GÜNDOĞMUŞ, one of the faculty members of our Department of Political Science and Public Administration.
In the course attended by our Head of Department Prof. Dr. Gökhan ORHAN, Yılmaz SUR, Director of Bandırma Removal Center, shared his knowledge with our students about the institutions working in the field of combating irregular migration, which was covered in the last week within the scope of the course syllabus. 
SUR also gave information about Turkey's policies on combating migration and drew attention to the role of removal centers. 
We would like to thank Yılmaz SUR, Director of Bandırma Removal Center, and our esteemed students for their participation in our lesson, which was completed with a question and answer session.      

