Güncelleme Tarihi: 07 March 2025

Visitors: 9

Book and Movie Recommendations for Students

In addition to the basic courses and education of the students of the Department of Business Administration, book and movie recommendations have been presented by the professors of our department in order for them to learn more about entrepreneurship, marketing, economics, etc. for their continuous learning and personal development.

Prof. Dr. Hasan Aydin Okuyan's Book and Movie Recommendations

1-Peter Principle - Laurence J. Peter

2-Mahfi Eğilmez - Easy Economy

3-Mahfi Eğilmez - Turkey in the Process of Change

4-Mahfi Eğilmez - World Economy in Historical Process

5-Mahfi Eğilmez - Analysis in Economics

6-The Black Swan - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

7-Economic Conversations with My Daughter - Yannis Varoufakis

8-Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

9-The Fall of Nations - Daron Acemoglu & James Robinson

10-Turkish Economic History - Korkut Boratav

11- Understanding Economics- Dani Rodrik

12-Poke - Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein

13-From Animals to Gods Sapiens A Brief History of the Human Species - Yuval Noah Harari

14-Animal Motives - Robert Schiller & George Akerlof

15-The Price of Inequality - Joseph Stiglitz

16-The Theory of the Lazy Class - Thorstein Veblen

17-The Art of War - Sun Tzu

18-Consumption Society - Jean Baudrillard

19-Safsatalar - Tevfik Uyar

20-The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

21-In the Land of White Lilies - Grigory Petrov

22-The Essays - Bertrand Russell

23-The Praise of Stupidity - Bertrand Russell

24-Rhetoric - Aristotle

25Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

26-Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

27-Animal Farm - George Orwell

28-If the King Loses - Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu

29-The Encyclopedia of Fallacies - Immanuel Tolstoyevsky

Movie Recommendations

Inside Job (2010/8.3) (Release Year / IMDB Score)

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013/8.2)

The Big Short (2015/7.8)

Wall Street (1987/7.4)

Capitalism: A Love Story (2009/7.4)

The Hudsucker Proxy (1994/7.3)

Seabiscuit (2003/7.3)

Too Big to Fail (2011/7.3)

Margin Call (2011/7.1)

99 Homes (2014/7.1)

Rogue Trader (1999/6.3)

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010/6.2)

Killing Them Softly (2012/6.2)

Cinderella Man (2005/8)

Prof. Dr. Tulay Yeniçeri's Book Recommendations

1-How to Live a Lifetime / İlber Ortaylı

2-The Psychology of Persuasion - Theoretical and Practical Together / Robert Cialdini

3-Trail of Digital Tribes- Netnographic Research in Social Media / Kaan Varnalı

4-The Door to Persuasion / Robert Cialdini

5-Pricing Secrets / William Poundstone

6-Buyology-Why everything we know about buying is wrong / Martin Lindstrom

7-Irrrational but Predictable / Dan Ariely

8-The Logic of the Irrational / Dan Ariely

9-Purpose-Continuous Improvement Process / Eliyahu M. Goldratt-Jeff Cox

10-Speed / Jeff Cox-Dee Jacob-Susan Berglang

11-Marketing 4.0 / Philip Kotler

12-Confessions of a Pricer / Hermann Simon

Prof. Dr. Edip Örücü's Book Recommendations

1-Business Management-Tamer Koçel.

2-Strategic Management in Business- Hayri Ülgen, Kadri Mirze.

3-Modern Processing-Ismet Mucuk.

4-Basic Business Information-Ismet Mucuk.

5- Organizational Behavior - Stephan Robbins, Timothy A. Judge.

6- Strategic Human Resources Management- İsmet Barutçugil.

7- The Language of Leadership - Communication Secrets of Successful CEOs- Kevin Murray.

8- 100 Kangaroos in Business Life-Ahmet Şerif İzgören.

9- Talk Like Ted- Carmine Gallo.

10-Mahfi Eğilmez: Analysis in Economics.

11-Mahfi Eğilmez: Easy Economy

Prof. Dr. Cüneyt Akar's Book Recommendations

1-Mahfi Eğilmez- Easy Economy with Examples

2-Barry J. Nalebuff and Adam M. Brandenburger- Game Theory and Cooperative Competition

3-Martin Ford, Cem Duran- The Rise of Robots: Artificial Intelligence and the Danger of a Jobless Future

4-Bernard Marr - How 45 Star Companies Used Big Data

5-Brian Christian , Tom Griffiths- Algorithms in Our Lives: Computer Science of Everyday Decisions

6-Ümit Şenesen- Understanding Behind Statistics Numbers

7-Erdal Balaban and Elif Kartal-- Data Mining and Machine Learning: Basic Algorithms and Applications with R Language

Prof. Dr. Aybeniz Akdeniz Ar's Book Recommendations

1.The Logic of Scientific Research. Karl R. POPPER: İlknur Aka-İbrahim Turan. Yapı Kredi Publications 8th edition Kazım Taşkent Classic Works Series

2.Human and People from Yesterday to Today Introduction to Social Psychology Prof.Dr. Çiğdem KAĞITÇIBAŞI, Zeynep CEMALCILAR. Evrim Kitabevi

3rd Culture. Lisa GEZON, Conrad KOTTAK Translation Editor: Akile GÜRSOY. Nobel Publishing House

4.21 Century Cultural Anthropology The Place of Man in Nature Daniel G. BATES Istanbul Bilgi University Press

5.Cross-Cultural Psychology Research and Applications John W. Berry Ype H. Poortinga, Seger M. Breugelmans, Athanasios Chasiotis, David L. Sam. Translation Editor: Leman Pinar Tosun Nobel Academic Publishing

6th Positive Philosophy Courses. Auguste COMTE in Turkish. Erkan Ataçay Social Publications

7.Cultural Foundations of Human Behavior. Philip K. Bock Psychological Anthropology Trans. N.Serpil ALTUNTEK. İmge Kitabevi.

8.Postmodernism and Consumption Culture. Mike FEATHERSTONE.Ayrıntı Publications

9.Production and Consumption Theories. Abdülkadir ZORLU.Altınordu Publications

10.Fundamentals of Marketing A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach. William D. PERREAULT.JR, Joseph P. CANNON, E. Jerome MCCARTHY Translation Editor: Prof.Dr. Asım Günal ÖNCE Nobel Academic Publishing

11.Principles of Marketing. Philip KOTLER, Gary ARMSTRONG. Translation Editor: A.Ercan GEGEZ. Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım.

12.Marketing Concepts-Principles-Decisions. Zeliha ESER, Sezer KORKMAZ, Sevgi Ayşe ÖZTÜRK. Siyasal Kitabevi Revised and Updated 2nd Edition

13.Consumer Behavior Purchasing, Possession and Existence. Translation Editors Nurettin PIRLTI, Elif AKAGÜN ERGİN. Michael R. SOLOMON. Nobel Publishing House

14.Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies Global and Local Approach. Prof.Dr. Erdoğan KOÇ. Seçkin Kitabevi Last Edition Please buy.

15.Consumer Behavior Neurology NeuroEconomics NeuroMarketing Application with EEG Method. Dr.F.Nur Yorgancılar Çizgi Kitabevi

16.Consumer Behavior. Detay Publishing Dr. Şirvan ŞEN DEMİR and Dr. Metin KOZAK Detay Publishing

17.Tüketici Davışları Tüketim Kültürü, Psikolojisi ve Sosyolojisi Üzerine Şeytanın Notları Uğur BATI. Alfa Yayınları

18.Animal Motives. How Human Psychology Drives Economics and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism George A. AKERLOF, Robert J. SHILLER. Scala Publishing

19.The Decision Moment. Jonah LEHRER How Does Our Brain Help Us Make Decisions? Boğaziçi University Publishing House

20.Starbucks Giving Your Heart to Work. Howard SCHULTZ BKY Babaali Kültür Publishing

21st Marketing Theories. Editors: Prof.Dr. Mehmet YAĞCI, Prof.Dr. Serap ÇABUK. MediaCAT Publications

22.Service Marketing and Management. Prof.Dr.Erdoğan KOÇ. Seçkin Kitabevi

23.Sales and Sales Management. Prof.Dr. Ahmet H. ISLAMOGLU, Prof.Dr. Remzi ALTUNIŞIK Sakarya Publishing

24.Sales Psychology. Emrah ALTUNTECİM Ceres Publications

25.Professional Sales Management. Prof.Dr. Serap ÇABUK. Nobel Bookstore.

26.Sales Management Training. Dr. Erdoğan TAŞKIN. Papatya Publications

27.Why Women Buy New Answers to the Question of the Century. Paco UNDERHILL Optimist Publications

28.The Psychology of Persuasion. Theory and Practice Together. Robert B. CIALDINI MediaCAT Publishing House

29.Changing Marketing Understanding New Marketing Approaches. Editor. Assoc.Dr. Yavuk AKÇİ Gazi Kitabevi

30.Marketing Strategies A Managerial Approach Editors. Ömer Torlak/Remzi Altunışık Beta Publications

31.Global Marketing Warren Keegan. Mark C. Green. Translation Editor: Rezan TATLIDIL Nobel Publishing House

32.Social Psychology. David G. Myers Translation Editor. Serap Akfırat Nobel Publishing House

33.Strategic Brand Management The Building, Measurement and Management of Brand Equity. Kevin Lane Keller Translation Editor. Aykan Candemir Nobel Publishing House

34.Being a Brand. T.Sabri ERDIL, Yeşim UZUN. Beta Publishing House

35.Brand Value. David Haigh, Muhterem Ilgüner. Markating Publications

36.Branding in Seven Steps. Altay Ayhan Sistem Publishing

37.Price Approach in Marketing A Behavioral Approach. Kalender Özcan Atılgan Akademisyen Kitabevi

38.Social Marketing Against Poverty. Philip Kotler, Nancy R. Lee MediaCat Publications

39.Product Applications and Case Studies in Marketing. Bahtışen KAVAK, Canan ERYİĞİT, Öznur Özkan TEKTAŞ. Siyasal Kitabevi

40.Ethnographic Stories. Field Research Experiences in Turkey Rabia HARMANŞAH, Z. Nilüfer NAHYA. Metis Publications

41.Value Based Marketing Peter Doyle . Media CAT.

42.29 People 29 Concepts in Marketing Science Editor: M.Özgür Güngör Beta Publishing House

43.Corporate Social Responsibility Philip Kotler Nancy Lee Media Cat

44.Marketing in the Public Sector Philip Kotler Nancy Lee, Media Cat

45.INCOGNITO David Eagleman Domingo Publishing

46.Buyology Martin Lindstrom. Optimist Publications

47.Why We Buy Paco Underhill Optimist Publications

48.Integrated Advertising Promotion and Marketing Communications Kenneth E. Clow Donald Baack Translation from the Seventh Edition Nobel Publishing House

49.Psychoanalysis and Telepathy Sigmund FREUD. Cem Publishing House

50.Theory and Explanation in Social Psychology BErtram Gawronski . Galen V. Bodenhausen. Nobel Publishing House

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nida Abdioğlu's Book and Movie Recommendations

Academic Book Recommendations :

1-Aktaş, R. Doğanay, M., Attila, İ., Tokat, E., Tokat, A.H. and Murat, A. (2019) Financial Markets and Institutions. Istanbul: Beta Publishing House.

2-Brealey, R.A., Myers, S.C., Marcus, A.J. (1997). Basics of Business Finance (Trans. Türkan Arıkan and Ünal Bozkurt) . Istanbul: Literatür Publishing House

3-Korkmaz, T. and Ceylan, A. (2017). Capital Market Fundamentals. Bursa: Ekin Publishing House.

4-Korkmaz, T and Ceylan, A. (2017). Capital Market and Securities Analysis. Bursa: Ekin Publishing House.

5-Madura, J. (2012). International Financial Management-1 (Trans. Hatice Doğukanlı). Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.

6-Madura, J. (2012). International Financial Management-2 (Trans. Hatice Doğukanlı). Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.

7-Okka, O. (2011). Analytical Financial Management. Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.

8-Okka, S. (2015). Business Finance. Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.

9-Okka, O. Financial Management: Theory and Solved Problems (2018). Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.

10-Ross, S., Westerfield, R & Jordon, B. (2019). Essentials of Corporate Finance. New York: McGrow-Hill (10th Edition)

11-Seyidoğlu, Halil (2016). International Financial Management. Istanbul: Yılmaz Basın Yayın ve Kağıt.

12-Tirole, J. (2006). The Theory of Corporate Finance. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Personal Development Book Recommendations:

1-In the Land of White Lilies/ Grigori Petrov

2-White Fang/ Jack London

3-The Novel of a Scientist: Mustafa Inan/ Oguz Atay

4-How to Live a Lifetime / İlber Ortaylı

5-Turkey in the Process of Change / Mahfi Eğilmez

6-Far from the East/ Amin Maalouf

7-Economic Analysis Case Studies and Solutions / Mahfi Eğilmez

8-Fahrenheit 451/ Ray Bradbury

9-Rediscover Life/ Jeffrey E. Young & Janet S. Klosko

10-The Man in Defense of Himself/ Erich Fromm

11-Mostly Harmless Econometrics/ Joshua D. Angrist & Jörn-Steffen Pischke

12-Samarqand/ Amin Maalouf

13-The Art of Loving/ Erich Fromm

14-Crime and Punishment/ Dostoevsky

Movie Recommendations

1-Inside Job (2010)

2-End of the Game (Margin Call) (2011)

3-Intrigue (Arbitrage) (2012)

4-The Big Short (2015)

5-The Accountant (2016)

6-The Wizard Of Lies (2017)

7-Dirty Money (2018)

8-The Stock Market (2020)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hicran Özgüner Kılıç's Book Recommendations

1- Philip Kotler et al , Marketing 4.0: Transition from Traditional to Digital, 2017, Optimist

2- Simon Kingsnorth, Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing,2018, Nobel

3- Kaan Varnalı, Digital Eclipse, 2017, MediaCat.

4- Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis, Digital Marketing Strategy, Execution and Implementation, 2018, Gazi

5- Damian Ryan, Digital Marketing, 2016, İş Bank

6- Alaattin Çağıl, Digital Marketing with Social Media, 2017,Dikeyeksen

7- Mara Einstein and Damla Tanla Kurt, The Secret World of Digital Advertising: Content Marketing and Natural Looking Ads, 2018, The Kitap

8- Adnan Veysel Ertemel, Illusionary Marketing: In the Digital Age, 2017,Abacus

9- Fatoş Karahasan, Taşlar Yerinden Oynarken - Digital Marketing Rules, 2014, Ceo Plus

10- Dilek Penpece, Digital Content Marketing, 2013,Karahan

11- Koray Odabaşı, Digital Marketing Strategies 2018, Cinius

12- Emre Gökşin, Digital Marketing Basics, 2017, Abaküs

13- Erkan Akar, E-Commerce Social Commerce Mobile Commerce, 2018,,, Seçkin

14- Ercan Altuğ Yılmaz, Gamification, 2017, Abaküs

15- Alper Berber, Gamification, 2018,Seçkin

16- Tom Chatfield, How to Adapt to the Digital Age, 2012, Sel

17- Emre Açıkel and Mehmet Çelikol, Dijitoloji, 2014, MediaCat

18- Özgür Önday, Digital Transformation, 2017,Gazi

19- İbrahim Kırcova and Ebru Enginkaya, Social Media Marketing, 2015, Beta

20- C.C.Chapman, Ann Handley, Rules of Content Management in the Digital Age, 2012, MediaCat

21- Walter Isaacson, Discoverers of the Future, 2017, Domingo

22- Ulrich Eberl, Smart Machines, 2019, Paloma

23- Saadet Uğurlu, Strategic Communication Management in New Media, 2017, Beta Publications

24- Collective, Magic Touches in Marketing Communications, 2017, MediaCat Publications

25- Salih Seçkin Sevinç, Social Media in Marketing Communication, 2018, Optimist Publishing Distribution

26- Nilsun Sarıyer, Marketing Communication Tools, 2018, Eğitim Publishing House

27- Kolektif, The Effects of Technology on Marketing Communication, 2017, Nobel Publishing

28- Bilgen Başal, Yeni Medya Planlama ve Tüketici Davranışları, 2013, Çantay Kitabevi

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yavuz Tansoy Yıldırım's Book Recommendations

1- Lee Iacocca - William Novak, The Art of Becoming a Billionaire - Altın Kitaplar Publishing House

2- Institutionalization for companies; Ahmet Emre Aköz, Seçkin Publishing House

3- Change, Management and Leadership in the 21st Century; Mesud Ünal - Beta Publishing House

4- Competitive Strategy; Michael E. Porter - Translated by: Gülen Ulubilgen, Aura Publishing House

Assist. Prof. Dr. Devran Deniz's Book and Movie Recommendations

1- Niall Kishtainy: A Short History of Economics

2- Erdogan Koc: Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies

3- Malcolm Gladwell: Outliers

4- Guy Kawasaki: The Entrepreneur's Handbook

5- Howard Schultz: Starbucks - Putting Your Heart to Work

6- Ahmet Şerif İzgören: Butterfly in the Palm of Your Hand

7- John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hitman 1/2/3/4

8- Tim Horford: The Invisible Economist

9- Mahfi Eğilmez: Analysis in Economics

10- Mahfi Eğilmez: Easy Economy

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu İşgüden Kılıç's Book and Movie Recommendations

General Accounting-Financial Accounting Books:

Orhan Sevilengül, General Accounting, Gazi Kitabevi.

Yüksel Koç Yalkın, General Accounting, Nobel Academic Publishing.

Nalan Akdoğan and Orhan Sevilengül, Uniform accounting system application: Compliance with accounting standards in Turkey, Gazi Kitabevi.

Özgül Cemalcılar and Nurten Erdoğan, General Accounting, Beta Publications.

Gürbüz Gökçen, General Accounting-Principles and Uniform Chart of Accounts Applications, Beta Publications.

Tunç Köse, Duygu Şengül Çelikay and Şafak Ağdeniz, General Accounting, Nisan Kitabevi Publications.

Yurdakul Çaldağ and Yıldız Ayanoğlu, General Accounting, Gazi Kitabevi.

Ümit Ataman, General Accounting Volume-1: In-Period Transactions in Accounting, Türkmen Kitabevi.

Ümit Ataman, General Accounting Volume-2: End-of-period accounting transactions, Türkmen Kitabevi.

Koray Ateş and Ergin Ödübek, Period-end Accounting Transactions, Accounting TR Publications.

Recep Güneş, Durmuş Acar, İsmail Bekçi and Hayrettin Usul, Period End Accounting Transactions, Detay Publishing.

Fehmi Karasioğlu, Financial Accounting, Nobel Academic Publishing.

Nihat Küçüksavaş, Financial Accounting, Beta Publications.

Aylin Poroy Arsoy, Financial Accounting, Ekin Publications.

Hikmet Ulusan, Period End Accounting Transactions, Ekin Basım Yayın.

Remzi Örten and Aydın Karapınar, End of Period Accounting Applications in Compliance with Turkish Accounting Standards, Gazi Kitabevi.

Volkan Demir , Oğuzhan Bahadır, Accounting: For CPA Proficiency exams, Nobel Academic Publishing.

Süleyman Yükçü, New TCC Compliant TAS and TFRS General Accounting with Examples, Altın Nokta.


Ümit Gücenme Gençoğlu, Turkish Accounting Standards and Applications, Türkmen Kitabevi.

Remzi Örten, Hasan Kaval and Aydın Karapınar, Turkish Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards Application and Comments, Gazi Kitabevi.

Nalan Akdoğan, Rafet Aktaş, Ali Deran, Deniz U. Erhan and Vedat Acar, Sectoral Accounting in accordance with Turkish Accounting Standards, Gazi Kitabevi.

Ahmet Kızıl, Mehmet Maşuk Fidan, Cevdet Kızıl, İrem Keskin, TAS - TFRS Applications Turkish Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards, Der Publications.

Audit Books:

Nejat Bozkurt, Accounting Auditing, Alfa Publications.

Ersin Güredin, Auditing and Assurance Services, Türkmen Kitabevi.

Melih Erdoğan, Auditing, Finance and Law Publications.

Seval Kardeş Selimoğlu, Mehmet Özbirecikli and Şaban Uzay, Independent Auditing, Nobel Academic Publishing.

Necdet Sağlam, Süleyman Uyar, Mehmet Yolcu, Independent Audit Practice Guide, MuhasebeTR Publications.

Internal Audit Books:

Münevver Yılancı, Internal Audit and Internal Control Appraisal Guide, Detay Publishing.

Niyazi Kurnaz, Tansel Çetinoğlu, Internal Audit Current Approaches, Umuttepe Publications.

Seval Selimoğlu and Cevdet Yiğit Özbek, Internal Audit, Nobel Publications.

Davut Pehlivanlı, Modern Internal Audit, Beta Publications.

Çetin Özbek, Internal Audit - Corporate Governance Risk Management Internal Control (Volume 1-2), TIDE Publications.

Cost Accounting and Management Accounting Books:

Kamil Büyükmirza, Management and Cost Accounting, Gazi Kitabevi.

Nalan Akdoğan, Cost Accounting Applications, Gazi Kitabevi.

Mevlüt Karakaya, Cost Accounting, Gazi Kitabevi.

Süleyman Yükçü, Cost Accounting in terms of Management, Altın Nokta Publications.

Sait Kaygusuz, Şükrü Dokur, Cost Accounting, Dora Publications.

İbrahim Lazol, Cost Accounting, Ekin Publications.

Orhan Elmacı, Cost Accounting Applications, Gazi Kitabevi.

Orhan Elmacı, Management Accounting in terms of Sustainability and Strategic Management, Gazi Kitabevi.

Personal Development Books:

Thomas Piketty, Capital in the 21st Century, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.

Howard S. Becker, The Ordeal of Social Scientists Writing, Heretik Publishing.

Bethany Mclean and Peter Elkınd, The Silver Bullet: Enron's Incredible Rise and Inevitable Collapse, Scala Publishing.

Mümin Sekman, Everything Starts with You, Alfa Publishing.

Jeffrey E. Young, Janet Klosko, Rediscover Life, Psychonet.

David Carey, John E. Morris, King of Money, Scala Publishing.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Nutuk, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.

Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Kolektif Kitap.

John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, April Publications.

Joseph Murphy, The Power of the Subconscious: Mental and Physical Healing, Diyojen Publishing.

Movie Recommendations:

The Smartest Guys In The Room (2005)

A Beautiful Mind (2001)

The Wolf Of Wall Street - The Money Hunter (2013)

Social Network (2010)

Moneyball - The Art of Winning (2011)

The Accountant (2016)

Propaganda (1999)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülnil Aydın's Book and Movie Recommendations

Book Recommendations

Strategy Games - Hakan Karabacak

The Science of Ignorance - Tayfun Uzbay

Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman

Customer Experience - Kaan Varnalı

Myths and Facts - Temel Aksoy

How Brands Grow I and II - Byron Sharp

The Wallet Share Rule - Timothy Keiningham et al.

Marketing at Work - Seth Godin

All Marketers Tell Stories - Seth Godin

Brand Management - Uğur Batı

Brain Rules - John Medina

The Art of Errorless Thinking I and II - Rolf Dobelli

Reputation Management - Salim Kadıbeşegil

Corporate Lessons - Salim Kadibeshegil

Crisis Says I'm Coming - Salim Kadibeshegil

Understanding Postmodern Marketing - Yavuz Odabaşı

Fifty Ways to Persuade - Robert B. Cialdini et al.

Entrepreneurship Cases - Mustafa Halid Karaaslan

Postmodernism and Consumer Culture - Mike Featherstone

Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

Incognito - David Eagleman

The Error of Descartes - Antonio R. Damasio

Digital Transformation - Gonca Telli, Samet Aydın

Theory of the Idle Class - Thorstein Veblen

Marketing as Science - Zafer Erdoğan

Culture Code - Clotaire Rapaille

Strategic Marketing - Harvard Business Review

Pricing Secrets - William Poundstone

Brand Talks at Our Table I and II - Müge Arslan

Dan Ariely - All books

Media Control - Noam Chomsky

The Society of Consumption - Jean Baudrillard

Moment of Destiny - Frans Johansson

Black Swan - Nicholas Taleb

Competitive Strategy - Michael E. Porter

Strategic Thinking - Annash K. Dixit, Barry J. Nalebuff

Marketing Strategies - Ömer Torlak, Remzi Altunışık

Marketing Research - Burns & Bush

Mass Communication Theories - Burak Özçetin

Advertising Theories - A. A. Bir, Kemah Süher

Why Women Buy - Paco Underhill

The Decision Moment - Richard L. Peterson

Customer Experience - Kaan Varnalı

Buy.ology - Martin Lindstrom

Senses and Brands - Martin Lindstrom

The Psychology of Being Human - Abraham Maslow

Nudge - Richard Thaler

Who Rules the World? - Noam Chomsky

Female Brain Male Brain - Serkan Karaismailoğlu

Honey Hazelnut - Güven Borça x

Marketing Prescriptions - Güven Borça

Decisions Take the Punishment of Unwise Emotions - Acar Baltaş

Positioning - Trout & Ries

Marketing Secrets - Peter Spalton

Branding Women - Catherine Kaputa

Brand Management - N. B. Tosun

Becoming a Brand - S Erdil, Y. Uzun

Strategic Brand Management - K. Keller

Movie Recommendations

The Contact

Death Warrant

The Art of Winning

Mind Games


Don't lose hope

Social Network

The Founder

Fight Club

Self Made

Minority Report

Inside Job

Steve Jobs

Dangerous Minds

Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Mustafa Tuncer Çalışkan's Book and Movie Recommendations

Book Recommendations

The Richest Man in Babylon - George Clason

The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

Empty World - Burak Akkul

Carp Hunting The Economics of Manipulation and Cheating George Akerlof - Robert Shiller

Capital in the 21st Century - Thomas Piketty

Movie Recommendations

Fight Club


Wall Street Money Never Sleeps

Money Hunter

Capitalism A Love Story

Don't lose hope