- Work Opportunities
Güncelleme Tarihi: 14 June 2023
Visitors: 434
Work Opportunities
Graduates of business administration have the opportunity to find employment in many of the public and private sector enterprises. Within the framework of wide job opportunities, which is one of the greatest advantages of the department, students can establish their own workplaces and companies, as well as take positions at various levels in public and private sector institutions. In addition, graduates who do not prefer to be in the business world in the public and private sectors can pursue an academic career by continuing their master's and doctoral programs.
Graduates of business administration can have the opportunity to work in public institutions and organizations by entering exam of KPSS. Some çivil service positions where business graduates can work in the public sector are:
- Assistant Tax Inspector
- Assistant Inspector of PTT
- Assistant Inspector of KYK
- Assistant Inspector of Board of Inspectors of Ministry of Treasury
- Assistant Revenue Specialist
- Assistant Specialist of State Revenue
- Assistant Specialist of Fiscal Services
- Assistant Inspector of BAĞ-KUR General Directorate
- Assistant Inspector of Municipality
- Administrative Judge
- Prefecture
- Auditor of Audit Court
- Evaluation Expertise
In addition, they can work in independent institutions such as the Energy Market Regulatory Auhority (EMRA) and the Banking Supervision and Regulation Auhority (BSRA) from the A group staff.
Some positions where business graduates can work in the private sector are:
- Business Manager
- Banker
- Marketing Manager
- Financial Director
- Auditor
- Insurer
- Salesperson
- Management Organization Specialist
- Statistician
- Analyst
- Foreign Trade Specialist
- Accountant